Installing the site builder

This section describes the steps necessary to setup the Walrus Sites' site-builder tool and prepare your environment for development.


Before you start, make sure you

Then, follow these additional setup steps.


Similar to the walrus client CLI tool, we currently provide the site-builder client binary for macOS (Intel and Apple CPUs), Ubuntu, and Windows:

UbuntuIntel 64bitubuntu-x86_64
UbuntuIntel 64bit (generic)ubuntu-x86_64-generic
MacOSApple Siliconmacos-arm64
MacOSIntel 64bitmacos-x86_64
WindowsIntel 64bitwindows-x86_64.exe


We now offer a pre-built binary also for Windows. However, most of the remaining instructions assume a UNIX-based system for the directory structure, commands, etc. If you use Windows, you may need to adapt most of those.

You can download the latest build from our Google Cloud Storage (GCS) bucket (correctly setting the $SYSTEM variable):

SYSTEM= # set this to your system: ubuntu-x86_64, ubuntu-x86_64-generic, macos-x86_64, macos-arm64, windows-x86_64.exe
curl$SYSTEM -o site-builder
chmod +x site-builder

To be able to run it simply as site-builder, move the binary to any directory included in your $PATH environment variable. Standard locations are /usr/local/bin/, $HOME/bin/, or $HOME/.local/bin/.


The site builder will look for the default configuration file sites-config.yaml in the current directory, the $XDG_HOME/walrus/sites-config.yaml and $HOME/walrus/sites-config.yaml directory. In case you want to use explicitly a different sites-config.yaml, use the --config flag to specify the path to the configuration file.

Once this is done, you should be able to simply type site-builder in your terminal.

$ site-builder
Usage: site-builder [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

  publish  Publish a new site on Sui
  update   Update an existing site
  convert  Convert an object ID in hex format to the equivalent Base36
  sitemap  Show the pages composing the Walrus site at the given object ID
  help     Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)



The site-builder tool needs a configuration file to work. This file is called sites-config.yaml and looks like this:

# module: site
# portal:
package: 0xdf9033cac39b7a9b9f76fb6896c9fc5283ba730d6976a2b1d85ad1e6036c3272
# general:
#   rpc_url:
#   wallet: /path/to/.sui/sui_config/client.yaml
#   walrus_binary: /path/to/walrus
#   walrus_config: /path/to/devnet_deployment/client_config.yaml
#   gas_budget: 500000000

As you can see, the configuration file is quite simple. The only mandatory field is the package field, which represents the Sui object ID of the Walrus Sites smart contract. You can find the latest version of the package in the Walrus Sites repository on the testnet branch.

Walrus Sites stable branch

The stable branch of Walrus Sites is testnet. Make sure that you always pull the latest changes from there.

You can define the location of the sites-config.yaml file using the --config flag when running the site-builder commands like so:

site-builder --config /path/to/sites-config.yaml publish <build-directory-of-a-site>

However, if are not a fan of repeating the same flags over and over, it's always easier to have the configuration file in one of the default locations.

Download the sites-config.yaml file from the repository, and place it in one of the aforementioned default locations. To illustrate, we will use the ~/.config/walrus directory, like so:

curl -o ~/.config/walrus/sites-config.yaml

You are now ready to start working on your Walrus Sites! 🎉